I began on a new quest a week ago. I finally laid my hands on MH3! Now, i am aware that this is not a new game but I am a new 3DSXL owner! Heard many raving about it's game interface. True enough the graphic is remarkably good for a handheld console. The controls are a little awkward, there's no friendly fire (your guild mates can hit you and cause you damages during quests) and the bosses does not have health bar, but you will get use to all these. Overall a very good game!
Please pardon the ugly photos. It was a Whatsapp snapshot that i sent to Vin. I never thought that it will be use on one of my blog posts.
Anyway i am open to any 3DS games recommendation! Drop me a comment or email okay :D
Alright i think you deserve better photos than the Whatsapp snapshots hence i retook the photos using my NX1000. It's always my room lighting that is hindering the photo shoot. FYI we bought the wrong light bulb and my room's light is in warm yellow (orange) now. Waiting for the filament to snap but somehow Philips' light bulbs can last pretty long. Sigh.